Garden Neighborhood Charities

Garden Neighborhood Charities LogoGarden Neighborhood Charities is the philanthropic arm of TD Garden. Its mission is to provide support, through grants, in-kind donations, volunteerism and community events, to charitable organizations and programs making a positive impact in our neighborhood of Greater Boston. Garden Neighborhood Charities is committed to bringing the excitement and lasting memories of live entertainment and sporting events to those in our neighborhood who might not otherwise have access to such fulfilling experiences.

Garden Neighborhood Charities is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.

*Please Note

  • Requests MUST be received at least six weeks prior to the date of your event. Only requests submitted online will be considered.

  • Organizations may receive only one donation per the calendar year.

  • Due to limited resources, we are only able to support organizations in the Greater Boston area.

Contact Us

Contact us for more information by emailing or by calling  Garden Neighborhood Charities at 617-624-1856.

To make a donation to Garden Neighborhood Charities, please email or send a check to:

  • Garden Neighborhood Charities
    100 Legends Way
    Boston, MA 02114

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